Factors Influencing Customers’ Adoption of Mobile Marketing in Tanzania’s Telecommunication Industry
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This paper presents the findings of a study that had examined the factors influencing the customers’ adoption in Tanzania’s telecommunication industry. Specifically, it had evaluated the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and perceived online negotiation. Using a structured questionnaire survey, the study collected data from a sample of 440 respondents generated using Multistage sampling in the five municipalities of Dar es Salaam. The response rate was 406 (92.3%.). After subjecting the resultant quantitative data to multiple linear regression analysis, the study found that perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use have a strong positive influence on mobile marketing adoption. On the contrary, perceived online negotiation had no such significant bearing on the customers’ adoption of mobile marketing. However, the study’s scope was limited to one region out of 31, thus limiting the generalizability of the findings to the entire population of Tanzania. This study also validates the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and introduces perceived online negotiation as an integrated variable in Tanzania’s telecommunications industry. Moreover, it underscores the importance of understanding customers’ prioritisation of mobile gadgets in mobile marketing experiences to develop customer-centric platforms that cater to their needs and provide easy access.
Article Details
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